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Fine Art by Becky Samuelson

Original Art  :  Art Prints Art Cards


About Becky

Fine Art on the Isle of Wight

Becky is a highly experienced artist and art teacher with 30 years of painting to her name.  Living in St Helens and just a 15 minute walk from the Aqualibrium Gallery, Becky can easily be reached if you are interested in discussing a commission.  If you would like to see more of Becky's original art then why not visit her home gallery in St Helens.


Becky's art focuses on painting Landscapes, Seascapes and Architectural subjects and she primarily paints with acrylic, watercolours and oils.  Perfecting Light and Colour are important to Becky and although she primarily paints on canvas, she has recently been experimenting with Acrylic on Sailcloth. 


We are proud to be displaying Becky's lsle of Wight inspired framed original art, limited edition mounted prints and we also have a selection of card art on display at the Aqualibrium Gallery.

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